7-Day Dog | Online Course
   ATTN:  Dog owners who need fast, affordable dog training that actually works...  
What if you had everything you needed to train your dog in less than a week?
(For less than the cost of a bag of dog food? 😉)
 đŸ• Finally learn how to get your dog to listen, follow basic commands, and improve your relationship for good with the proprietary Silent Signals Method.

 đŸŠź Get amazing results in less time — no tools, treats, or tricks needed!

🐕‍đŸŠș Put an end to bratty, difficult, or destructive behavior and step into a new season with your dog that’s both fun and fulfilling.
All of that — and more — is waiting for you inside


Learn the same method trusted by over 1,000 dog owners (and their dogs) — developed over 15 years by dog trainer and dog communication expert, Josh Donahue.

Works for any dog, age, or breed!

 Normally $350 

Sale price: $47!

Get instant, lifetime, access to the complete course.
NOTE: The 7-Day Dog is the only place where you can learn the proprietary Silent Signals Method of dog training. No tools, treats, or tricks needed!
If you’re a dog owner who’s been struggling with bratty behavior, a dog who doesn’t listen, or simply a lack of training skills, what you don’t need is:
❌ Months or even weeks of time to train your dog...
✅ You just need 7 days and The 7-Day Dog course!

❌ Hundreds or even thousands of dollars at your disposal
✅ You just need $47 to make it happen!

❌ Tons of tools and treats to actually get your dog to listen
✅  You just need the Silent Signals Method — exclusively taught inside The 7-Day Dog!

Imagine where you could be just one week from now

Knowing what you need to know to lead your dog and keep them on their best behavior

Seeing fast results because you’ve got the knowledge you need to guide your dog with confidence

Feeling a sense of relief and empowerment, because you’ve learned that dog training can actually be simple and that your dog can be transformed in just a week

Being able to invite anyone over or take your dog anywhere because you speak a common language with your dog and you’ve earned your dog’s trust

Watching your dog become not just a dear pet, but a treasured companion who dramatically enhances the quality of your life

Sounds amazing, right?

Now let’s make all of those possibilities your realities for both your dog and you inside

7-Day Dog

Get instant access to the complete course and see where you could be just one week from now!

What makes 7-Day Dog different?

It’s the only dog training course that helps you get results in less than a week
It’s the only dog training course that works, regardless of age or breed
It’s the only dog training course that doesn’t rely on tools, treats, or tricks
And it’s the only dog training course that teaches the Silent Signals Method!

"Ok, but what's this whole 'Silent Signals' thing about?"

So glad you asked!

Hi, I’m Josh Donahue, dog trainer, dog communication expert, and creator of the 7-Day Dog!

After working with and training 1,000+ dogs over the span of 15+ years, I developed the Silent Signals Method, my own proprietary approach to dog training and communication.

While I love working with dogs and their families to help them achieve harmony in the home, I got my start in dog training by working at the extremes of behavioral issues.

I developed a reputation for rehabilitating dogs with severe issues, like aggression, anxiety, and resource-guarding. I worked with clients all over the world and often had a waitlist that was months long.

While the average dog doesn’t struggle with serious issues like those, these extreme cases gave me a far deeper understanding of how dogs think and communicate, and it informed literally everything I do with dogs.

Today, what I teach with the Silent Signals Method is rooted in those experiences.

The Silent Signals Method is based on how dogs communicate with us and with each other.

And none of what I teach requires a long timeline or tons of treats or tools.

After all, dogs don’t communicate with each other by bribing with treats, forcing behavior with tools, or taking a ton of time to make a point.

The majority of dog communication is quick, simple, and silent.

Of course, knowing that is one thing

And being able to do something with that is another thing entirely...

But the good news: You don’t have to be a dog to be able to effectively communicate with and lead your dog!

You also don’t have to have trained over 1,000 dogs (and observed thousands more) over 15 years to be able to effectively communicate with and manage your dog.

You just need this course! 😉

I created The 7-Day Dog course (and the Silent Signals Method inside it!), so you can leverage all of my expertise and experience to train your dog with better results in less time.

Ready to see what’s possible for your dog?
Ready to find harmony in your home?
And ready to make it happen in the next week?

Grab 7-Day Dog today!
 Normally $350 
 Sale price: $47
Learn the same method trusted by over 1,000 dog owners (and their dogs) — developed over 15 years by dog trainer and dog communication expert, Josh Donahue.

Works for any dog, age, or breed!

Praise for Josh Donahue's training programs:

Gone are the days of settling for dog training that doesn’t work or takes a ton of time and money (or both!).

For way too long, way too many dog trainers have either:

Taught dog owners from a place of very limited experience and expertise, simply following the breadcrumbs of other more experienced trainers, but with mediocre results


They’ve been the unwilling gatekeepers of dog training knowledge, only sharing their information to the tune of hundreds of even thousands of dollars in dog training sessions and packages that take weeks or even months to see results.

There is something better than ineffective training methods from inexperienced dog trainers

There is something better than training that costs too much time and too much money

And better still, there is something that you can do from the comfort of your own home, in your own time

 That’s exactly what you get with The 7-Day Dog. 
 No more struggling with
 âŒ A dog that is difficult or even destructive

❌ A dog that ignores you or doesn’t listen in the first place

❌ A dog that causes frustration or embarrassment in nearly every situation

 Instead, spend an hour a day for just one week, and you can get
 đŸ• A dog that listens to you, trusts you, and follows your lead

🩼 A dog that enhances the quality of your life and is a source of joy in your home

đŸ© A dog that you can take anywhere, and have her around anyone, because you know she’ll defer to you

🐕‍đŸŠș A dog that moves beyond “pet” and becomes an incomparable companion that grounds you, comforts you, and delights you.
That's the 7-Day Dog.
Learn the same method trusted by over 1,000 dog owners (and their dogs) — developed over 15 years by dog trainer and dog communication expert, Josh Donahue.

Works for any dog, age, or breed!

Normally $297
Sale today: $47
...And get instant access to the course!

Maybe you’re interested, but you’re wondering

“But wait
 don’t you need to see my dog to help me train him? How can this work if we’re not in the same room?”

Or maybe

“Can I really do this on my own?”

First off, you absolutely can do this on your own.

If there’s anything I learned from the pandemic, it’s that I don’t have to be in the same room as a dog or even see a dog to help train it.

And better still, I don’t have to be present at all for a dog to get the training methods it needs.

When you have a proven method like I teach inside 7-Day Dog, that can work for nearly any dog in any situation, you don’t need the eyes or hands of a dog trainer

You just need the method.

Knowledge is power, and the knowledge you get from 7-Day Dog is all you need to empower you to train your own dog, in your own time (though you don’t need a ton of time – just a week!).

So yes, you can do this on your own!

In fact, you are the best person to do it because you are the person your dog trusts above everyone else.

So, we build upon that foundation in 7-Day Dog to help you make the dog of your dreams a reality — quickly, effectively, and affordably!

"Who is the 7-Day Dog Online Course for?"

Great question! Short answer: All dog owners (and their dogs).

But, more specifically...

Brand new dog owners

Have a ton of enthusiasm for your new dog, but not a ton of training experience? No problem!

We want to help you set off on the right foot (and paw), from the very beginning. This course will give you everything you need to build a solid foundation with your dog – and any other dogs you may have in the future!

Experienced dog owners

Maybe you’ve had easier dogs before and now you’re faced with your first challenging dog and don’t know what to do? Or maybe you’ve never prioritized training in the past, but want to change that now? Whichever applies, even if you’re an experienced dog, you’ll still find massive value inside 7-Day Dog. If anything, this course will be especially valuable for you, because I’ll totally change the way you think about your dog – for better, and for good!

Dog professionals

Do you work with dogs as a groomer, walker, trainer, or volunteer? Then, you can also benefit from the Silent Signals Method found inside 7-Day Dog! In fact, one of the main things that is so valuable about this method is that you don’t necessarily need any kind of relationship with the dog to be able to effectively train and lead them. With this course, you can majorly uplevel your services as well as your experience with dogs!

Any breed. Any age. Any dog.

Whether you have a teeny, tiny terrier
 or 70 pound pitbull terrier

Whether your dog is four years old
 or fourteen years old

And whether you’ve never attempted training before
 Or you and your dog have been put through the dog training ringer

The 7-Day Dog will help.
In fact, it will more than help:

I’m confident it will totally transform your dog’s behavior, and the relationship you have with your dog in just a week.

Grab your copy of the course today and see what’s possible after just a few days!

Here's how this works:


Click HERE to purchase the 7-Day Dog Online Course.


Check your inbox for your login info where you'll get instant access to the complete 7-Day Dog online course and all its content (including the Silent Signals Method).


Get started today and watch the transformation that can happen after just one week when you implement what you learn!

Grab it at this low price today! The price will be going up soon!

FAQs about the 7-Day Dog Online Course:

What if I'm already too busy with kids at home full-time and barely have a free hour in my day to do anything else?

As a dad of two little boys, I get it. Some days, we're just trying to make it to nap time and bed time!

But, you don't need hours of uninterrupted time to implement this system. In fact, this system only requires very brief training sessions throughout the day (5-10 minutes max). Super easy!

And bonus points: If you've got kids, they'll learn so much about calm energy, safe handling, and good leadership merely by watching you implement the 7-Day Dog lessons. Win-win!

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When does this start? When do I get access to everything?

It starts as soon as you join! This is a self-paced, instant access, quick workshop, so all you have to do is sign up, and you'll get everything delivered straight to your inbox within a few minutes.

So you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next year!

(Though my vote is for starting sooner rather than later!)

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Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the brief and digital nature of the 7-Day Dog Online Course, we do not offer refunds. 

But you don't have to cross your fingers and hope it’ll work! We’ve tested this for over a decade with literally thousands of clients and their dogs. Check out just a few of our testimonials above!

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How do I get access to the 7-Day Dog online course?

A good questions with an easy answer: Click here to get 7-Day Dog today!

This course is over a decade in the making...

But it'll only take you 5 seconds to join and 7 days to complete!

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What if this doesn't work for my dog?

As bold as it is to say it, all of our training methods and programs (including the 7-Day Dog) have a nearly 100% success rate. I say nearly because nothing is perfect, however, I have yet to meet a single person or client who says this didn't work for their dog
 and I've trained literally thousands of dogs across the United States.

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Will this course work for my dog, even if they're [old/young/a specific breed]?

Absolutely! The Silent Signals Method at the heart of the 7-Day Dog course is designed to work with dogs of any age, breed, and size.

This approach focuses on universal aspects of canine body language and energy, making it effective for every dog. Whether you have a spirited puppy or a serene senior... or whether you have a 7-pound terrier or a 70-pound pit bull terrier... this course is tailored to meet your needs.

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I've tried training before and didn't see results. How is this course different?

What sets the 7-Day Dog course apart is the Silent Signals Method, a unique framework developed from over 15 years of experience and success with more than a thousand dogs.

Unlike traditional training that relies on treats and tools, this method emphasizes communication through body language and energy. It simplifies the training process, making it more intuitive for both you and your dog!

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Do I need any special tools or equipment for this course?

No, you don't need any special tools or equipment. Our course is designed to work without the cumbersome extras, focusing instead on the powerful, simple interactions between you and your dog.

This approach not only makes the training process easier but also strengthens your bond with your dog.

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Is this course only for new dog owners?

Not at all! Whether you're a first-time dog owner or have had dogs your whole life, the 7-Day Dog course offers valuable insight.

Even experienced owners are surprised by the effectiveness of the Silent Signals Method and how it enhances their relationship with their dogs.

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Can I really train my dog in just 7 days?

Yes, you can! The 7-Day Dog course is structured to produce noticeable results in a week or less. The effectiveness of the Silent Signals Method means you'll start seeing changes in your dog's behavior quickly.

But remember: Every dog is different, and progress will depend on your commitment to the process.

Some final thoughts...

If you’ve made it to the bottom of this page

Then you skipped to this part because you were ready to go when you got here (you’re awesome!)

Or you read the whole thing (you’re amazing!)

Either way, I’m glad you’ve made it this far.

Getting the training that you need and that your dog deserves is no small thing...

Getting the training your dog needs shouldn’t just be a to-do list item or simply problem for you to solve “someday”

After all, our dogs only get one short, sweet life with us.

8 years. 10 years. Maybe 15+ if we’re extraordinarily lucky.

We want to make it count.

We want to make it special.

We want our dogs to add to our lives, not take away from them.

We want to honor the responsibility we’ve got and be a good steward of the dog we get.

And a dog who is taught how to listen and follow and a human who is empowered to communicate and lead is a magical combination.

As someone who grew up with dogs and has also said my final goodbyes to two of my dogs in the last three years, I can attest:

Having a relationship with a dog who trusts you and looks to you for guidance and companionship is one of the best blessings this life has to offer.

And one thing’s for sure:

You’ll never regret getting your dog the training it deserves

You’ll only regret putting it off or avoiding it all together.

And with everything I share inside The 7-Day Dog course, you’ll get what you need to find that level of fulfillment:

A dog that looks to you, follows your lead, enriches your home, and blesses your life immeasurably.

No need for a ton of tools, treats, tricks, or time.

It’s better than that.

(And your dog is better than that, too!)

Let’s see where your dog could be just seven days from now.

These next seven days could pay off for a lifetime.

Get started today!

Normally $297

Sale price: $47

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

© 2024 | Pocket Dog Trainer, LLC
